To benefit children's activities at Treasure Coast Marina. Celebrating the 21st anniversary of this original inshore tournament! Still standing after all these years. Thank you for your support!
We encourage pre-registration if possible. This will help us plan for how many to expect. CDC protocols will be followed, and we will assist you as you request with masks, social distancing, and whatever makes you comfortable to attend. Please call 321-733-3390 for questions or additional info! Look for special events at this tournament!
Schedule of Events
Friday, October 14, 2022 5:00pm - Start Angler's Pre-Tournament Registration at Treasure Coast Marina 7:00pm - Angler's Meeting (rules Discussion) Door Prizes, Free Snacks, Cash Beverage Sales
Saturday, October 15, 2022 5:00am - Honor System Start 7:00am - 4:00pm - Weigh in. You must be physically present and have your entry acknowledged before 4:00pm to be considered for prizes. NO EXCEPTIONS. 5:00pm - 6:00pm - Awards Presentation, FREE picnic on the deck, Social Hour ... RAFFLES!!
Bill Sargent Conservation Award! To honor our Favorite Local Sportswriter! Marshall Greenwalt Memorial Awards Heaviest Live Trout Released Rod/Reel combo to each!
Prize in Each Category Snook, Black Drum, Sheepshead Trout 1st Place: $125 2nd Place: $100 3rd Place: $75 Plus Captain's bag and tons of door prizes!
Kid's Division Any fish species Longest Fish Heaviest Fish Most Fish Caught Merchandize prize, Every kid gets a prize
By submitting this form, you agree to accept responsibility for yourself (OR YOUR CHILD) in conjunction with this tournament and related functions, and agree to abide by all rules and regulations governing the tournament. Further, I hereby release Treasure Coast Marina, it's principles and afflicts, from all liability.
Kid's Entry Fee (12 yrs. and under): $10 Children must fish with a registered adult angler. No t-shirt for kids entry.
Entry Fee: $40 Includes 2 meal tickets for picnic and one FREE t-shirt. (limited to first 100) Can be paid with cash, check or credit card. Make checks payable to: Treasure Coast Marina. Mail to: Treasure Coast Marina 5185 S. US Hwy #1 Grant, FL 32949
Covid protocols will be followed. Please bring a mask, for group situations.